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Built on OSSEC, the World's Leading Open Source Security Platform

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Ensure Workload Security and Compliance for All Environments

Atomicorp provides unified endpoint and workload security, across cloud, data center, and hybrid environments.

Detect, Protect and Adapt at the Speed of DevSecOps

Through security automation and integration, Atomicorp solutions enable you to stay secure and compliant while continuously delivering new releases.

Reduce SOC Cost and Complexity with Demonstrable ROI

With advanced SIEM log filtering that reduces the “noise” for security op centers and a light footprint that doesn’t break the bank on SOC costs.


Atomic OSSEC

Atomic OSSEC extends the power of open source OSSEC with dozens of features for enhanced intrusion detection, compliance, and manageability.


Atomic Protector

Atomic Protector is a comprehensive workload protection platform that ensures security and compliance in web, cloud, data center, and hybrid environments.


Atomic ModSecurity

Atomic ModSecurity Rules are the most advanced and versatile ModSecurity Rules for web app security. Atomic WAF is an enterprise-strength web application firewall with its own management console.

Atomic OSSEC Demonstration

Get a personal demo the Atomic OSSEC enterprise security platform.

  • Practice real-time file integrity monitoring (FIM) for continuous vigilance over critical data applications.
  • Identify the instant an intruder has executed a malware program and deleted trace evidence. Unlike timer-based FIM, real-time FIM alerts you to those quick and sneaky activities that occur in between scanning cadences.
  • Facilitate PCI DSS, NIST, and compliance from A to Z. Atomic OSSEC monitors what in a file or system changed, tracks which user changed it, categorizes severity, blocks and isolates, and collects artifacts, while backing up your data. 
  • Learn how to use the Atomic OSSEC system optimally. Get acquainted with our professional support to get the most out of the XDR system’s real-time FIM controls, and dashboards for events, asset management, agent management, hub user management, and compliance.

Get An Atomic OSSEC XDR Trial

Take the next step and begin a free 14-day trial period using Atomic OSSEC Software as a Service (SaaS) to protect up to 10 endpoints. No credit card required.


PCI Compliance Whitepaper

PCI Compliance Whitepaper

Download this PCI compliance whitepaper to see the PCI requirements that can be met with the aid of software.

PCI Cloud Compliance Whitepaper

PCI Cloud Compliance Toolkit

Download our 17 page “PCI Compliance in the Cloud” whitepaper that provides a security and PCI DSS compliance toolkit.

Whitepaper: Why FIM?

FIM Whitepaper

Download our “Why FIM?” whitepaper on file integrity monitoring and Atomic OSSEC.


OSSEC Whitepaper

Extend the Power of OSSEC

Download this free guide to see how Atomic OSSEC enhances OSSEC for security and compliance.

Secure Access Service Edge - SASE

Secure Access Service Edge

Download our whitepaper that explores a commercial endpoint and cloud workload protection platform.

Cloud Security Guide

Cloud Security Guide

Download our guide and find out the three most critical capabilities for securing cloud workloads.



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Atomicorp Can Help You. See How!

Find out how Atomicorp can help secure your servers, workstations, and workload. Fill out this short form and we’ll be in touch.